
Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Oh Avril...

Oh Avril, poor poor Avril. If you haven't already seen the latest creation from the unholy union of Avril Lavigne and Chad Kroeger then... actually avoid it, save yourself. It's too late for me as I ignored the signs because I will always have a soft spot for Avril Lavigne (Let Go is the soundtrack of my pre-teen years), I thought 'well it can't be that bad'. How wrong I was. Hello Kitty, is the third single off of Avril's self-titled fifth album, honestly I had no idea she even had a new album out, she's pretty under the radar nowadays. Before I even get to the atrocity that is the music video, I'll start with the song itself. First off; lyrics, that's a pretty generous description to summarise the random words Avril shouts out 'kawaii / hello kitty, you're so pretty / like a major rager OMFG / someone throw a cupcake at me'. I'm in pain. These lyrics were generously written by Avril's husband Chad Kroeger, who isn't exactly renowned for his songwriting abilities 'Look at this photograph / Every time I do it makes me laugh!'... Nice one Chad. Secondly, the music itself is a complete car crash of techno-pop, Avril has tried something new and failed spectacularly. However, she hasn't lost it, she demonstrated that in her song Here's To Never Growing Up, released earlier this year with a great music video nodding back to her Sk8er Boi days. Avril we love you like this! Stick to what you know!

And so leads me to the cringe-inducing video for Hello Kitty. If you really must, you can watch the ghastly thing for yourself on Avril's official website here. Don't say I didn't warn you. The video consists of her parading around with four expressionless and quite frankly bored-looking women. Some treats to look forward to are when Avril lazily plays guitar, waves to imaginary admirers, and excitedly eats sushi while sporting a buzzcut and a cupcake adorned skirt. She's coming under a lot of fire for this disastrous video, with some people claiming it to be racist through cultural appropriation, I don't know about that, but I can certainly say it's an offensive assault on two of the senses. Come on Avril, you're better than this.

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